Tag Archive | Conflict Management

Topic: Problem Solving

Once you have managed to turn the conflict into a problem that both parties can work on solving, you have come a long way.  The next task is to equip the players with methods of problem solving that will enable them to reach some potential solutions. There are many approaches to problem solving.  I find […]

Conflict Management: The Miracle Question. An Important Topic

Today my focus is on “What to do next?”  You’ve centered yourself and you have learned a lot about what is upsetting the person who has come to you.  What now? I suggest that your next task is to determine the next best move to make.  I’m all in favor of finding out even more.  […]

Conflict Management

Last week I brought up the hot topic of managing conflict.  Truly this is a hot topic and one that a lot of companies, teams, and leaders would rather avoid that deal with. Lesson One had to do with the first thing we must do:  practice good self-management.  Today we take on Lesson Two:  Learn […]

Conflict: A Topic That Stands Out in the Workplace

Is conflict a hot topic?  You bet it is!  Every time I am with a work group and ask, “What is the first thing that comes to mind when I mention the word ‘conflict’?” Here is a list of the terms that come up – almost universally:  Irritating, annoying, anger, frustration, oh no- not again, […]